Senin, 10 Februari 2014

Koleksi Gamis (Maxi Dress)

92239 Maxi Hodie. Bhn: Spandek korea. Gamis+luaran hodie. FIt to XL IDR 130,000. PO 3mgg

Berlin Set Maxi a. Bhn: Maxi+pashmania spandek jersey sutra, Outer stripe spandek super. Fit to XL. IDR 120,000. Close PO 14Feb. Ready Awal Maret

Berlin Set Maxi b. Bhn: Maxi+pashmania spandek jersey sutra, Outer stripe spandek super. Fit to XL. IDR 120,000. Close PO 14Feb. Ready Awal Maret

New Sky Hijaber. Bhn: spandek korea mix satin. MAxi dres+belt lebar+pashmania. IDR 140,000. PO 25hari dr tanggal pesan.

Velvet Geovani. Bhn: Spandek korea. Fit to XL. Rok pjg+atasan rumba lengan pjgi+pashmania. IDR 135,000. PO 25hari

Set Hijab Barbie. Bhn: Spandek. Utk usia 4-6th. Atasan tangan pjg+bergo rumbai. IDR 70,000. Close PO 13Feb. Ready 10Mar

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